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Understanding Sound Sensitivity and Hyperacusis with CRM Audiology


Have you ever thought that a regular conversation was too loud or found diverse daily sounds too overwhelming? Then, you might be dealing with a condition called sound sensitivity or hyperacusis. This article aims to help you understand these conditions and discuss how they are diagnosed and monitored by professionals at CRM Audiology.

The Basics of Sound Sensitivity and Hyperacusis

Simply put, sound sensitivity is when an individual perceives normal sounds as uncomfortably loud. Hyperacusis is a form of heightened sound sensitivity where routine noises, like the hum of a refrigerator or the rustling of papers, seem unusually loud and distressing. People with hyperacusis often experience discomfort in social gatherings due to loud conversations or struggle with tolerating everyday noises like traffic or kitchen appliances.

Causes and Risk Factors

Hyperacusis can stem from various causes, which include damage to the ear, exposure to loud noises, specific medications, or medical conditions like Lyme disease or Meniere’s disease. Key risk factors often include age and certain health conditions.

Importance of Professional Diagnosis

Recognizing and diagnosing hyperacusis requires professional expertise. That’s where CRM Audiology comes into play! Our services specialize in diagnosing sound sensitivity issues using our comprehensive diagnostic methodologies.

How CRM Audiology Diagnoses and Tracks Sound Sensitivity and Hyperacusis

At CRM Audiology, evaluation of hyperacusis involves a careful examination by our hearing specialists, in-depth history taking, sound tests, and audiological evaluations. Monitoring the condition is equally significant. Our professionals track changes or progress in patients with hyperacusis through regular check-ups.

The Implications of Living with Hyperacusis

Life with hyperacusis can be demanding, as it affects the quality of everyday life, social interactions, and mental health. Hence, seeking professional help paired with certain lifestyle changes becomes essential for relief and improvement.

Practical Tips for Individuals with Hyperacusis

Practical advice includes avoiding exposure to loud sounds, using noise-canceling earplugs, and seeking sound therapies. We, at CRM Audiology, can guide you through these lifestyle changes and offer potential treatments based on your specific condition.

To sum up, sound sensitivity or hyperacusis should not be ignored. Acknowledging the symptoms and seeking help from professionals like us at CRM Audiology is crucial. High-quality audiology practices are beneficial in securing your auditory health.

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